Graphic of people at a protest with megaphone and signs aand title '10 join us for our 10th year and help #FinishTheFight

Day 10 of 10 Days to Donate in December

December 10 is International Human Rights Day and the final day of the National Justice Project’s 10 Days to Donate in December campaign.

We are grateful for the level of support we have received over these 10 days, but we still need your help to finish the fight for our refugee families with 40 offshore detention cases before the Federal Court.

To help us reach our target, we are excited to announce that our generous supporter Richard Wilkins will match donations today up to $10,000!



The theme for International Human Rights Day this year is ‘Reducing inequality and advancing human rights’. Here are 10 ways you can help the National Justice Project advance human rights on Human Rights Day and beyond:

1 Donate today and with matched giving every dollar donated up to $10,000 will be doubled!

2 Explore our website to learn more about us fighting for human rights

3 Share what you’ve learned about our work with your friends, family and colleagues

4 Create a lasting legacy by providing a gift in your will

5 Subscribe to our Justice Brief newsletter for case updates

6 Connect to our regular giving donor program

7 Follow us on social media to keep updated on our advocacy work

8 Commit to workplace giving to support our work

9 Volunteer to help us achieve justice for our clients and systemic change

10 Join the fight for justice with the National Justice Project’s 10th year 






Take action today to help us secure justice for our clients and systemic change for the community.



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National Justice Project

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